Save the Date::
Family Bible Study @ the Heintzelman's-will return April 8th.
For prayer requests, use the chat bubble below, text the church at 844-869-1870 or call/text Chris @ 913-710-6370
We need your gifting! Let us know what area you are interested in. We'll get you more info, answer any questions, and get you plugged in.
Volunteers Needed: We're looking for more volunteers in Tech, Cleaning, Kid's Ministry, Atmosphere, and Worship. Let us know if you are available.
Youth Group meets Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:30. All students 6th - 12th grades are welcomed! Grab a friend and come join us!
Make sure we have your contact info so you can stay up to date on what's happening at OTCC.
Log into our database to update your info, check your volunteer schedule, access giving reports and more...