OTCC is a casual yet sacred environment of utterly ordinary people who love and serve both Jesus and People, and we do it together. Our gatherings are always “come as you are”. There simply is no benefit to being fake at OTCC. We value authenticity and work hard to honor it. Though we are by no means formal, we do recognize that worshiping Jesus is a sacred process so we approach our time together with joyful humility.
You can expect us to worship with all of our hearts, to pray together, to bless children, to study the Bible as a community, to gather around the Lord’s Table and to love one another to the best of our ability.
We are so glad that you are here!
To join the O-Fam service online, click HERE. We value community and want to be sure and connect with you, so please leave us a comment in the chat bar to let us know you are here.
If you would like to keep up with what’s happening at OTCC, make sure you visit www.otcc.life/connect and drop your contact info so we can keep you up to date. For more information about what to expect this morning, keep reading.
This is the second week of our Series titled "The Invitation". Today we continue to move through Lent toward Easter.
We love kids at Open Table. Our children stay in the sanctuary for worship for the first three songs. We believe it is not only important for our kids to learn to worship from we adults but we believe that they are as much the Body of Christ as we are and that we are missing part of the body when they are not with us.
Today, they are diving into their final week of their series called, WOW?
We hope our worship draws you closer to God. Feel free to sing loud, raise your hands, dance, sit quietly, or respond to God's presence however you need to. Today's Worship list is...
If you hear a song you like, jump on your favorite music app and continue the worship into your week You can listen to this week’s set list throughout the week on YouTube HERE.
We don’t take an offering at OTCC. There is a box in the rear of the church if you would like to give. You can also give online by finding the tab at the top of the page or just clicking HERE. We believe you can also give by finding someone in need and sharing with them.
Above all else, we believe that God loves a cheerful giver so please only give what you can give with JOY!